Extend & Protect: Lifetime Wealth
special situation planning
When you inherit money, you need to know what to do. You may have a concern about the potential taxes you are going to pay. Perhaps, you are not sure if you should use it to pay off your debt. We help you address these questions and more.
- Ensure you get the most money with a tax-efficient manner
- Help you determine how to fund your lifestyle and future goals
- Explore investment mix to achieve both growth and stability
Loss of a loved one
Losing a loved one is difficult. Along with the mourning comes a pile of financial documents to evaluate and financial decisions to make. Lots of time, you may have heard of financial terms but not really sure what they mean. Even with tons of online resources, you still want guidance. But you don’t know where to start.
Before making any major decisions, consult with our trusted professionals to help you.
- Complete and file tax returns for the decedent
- Develop tax strategies to properly distribute assets
- Work with an estate attorney to dissolve the trust and create a new one
- Coordinate legal and tax issues
- Assist with notifying financial institutions
- Evaluate the best distribution method for financial assets and insurance proceed
- Manage investment
- Help with changing titles to financial asset
Caring for elder parent’s finance
Caring for your elder parent’s finance is tricky. However, as they get older you worry about their ability to manage their finance. Often, they feel ashamed, afraid to ask for help. Don’t wait until your parent becomes suddenly ill. Get involve without completely involving by working with us.
- Facilitate a conversation with your parent
- Help lay groundwork
- Ensure important documents are updated
- Keep tax filing updated
- Consolidate accounts so you know where everything is.
- Coordinate with an estate attorney
- Review investment accounts
- Ensure proper online access
- Check on insurance policies
- Set up bill pay
- Consolidate credit cards to easy bill pay